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I'm interested in seeing if they track any clicks on this back to a pagan blog. :) |
Tag Line
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
You Better Watch Out...
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
A Message for Political Groups
In fact, it seems like their overwhelming issue, which is the only one I can find on this entire website, is "We need to make sure that Chris Christie does not even think about running for President in 2016." Really? There is nothing else that you could possibly think to run on? There are no issues affecting New Jersey or Burlington County that could possibly make any difference? Apparently not. Apparently they think that an election that is 3 years away is the only possible thing that any voter could care about in this election.
This is the kind of thing that really makes me want more than two (or sometimes less on this ballot) choices for any position. The "we're good and they're bad" mindset really ticks me off. I, for one, am more concerned about what can be done about the outrageous property taxes in the state, the passing of useless (or at least, wrong headed) laws and wasteful spending than I am about who may or may not be running for President in 2016.
We (NJ residents) have a choice of 8 candidates for Governor, which is great! But that's it. Every other office has only 2, and my school board election has only 2 people listed to fill 3 positions. It's at times like this that I admire people like Kevin Bott, who are willing and able to run as an alternate party candidate.
So, what's my message to these groups? Try stating what you are for and what positive items you want to accomplish rather than what you are against or what political power moves you plan on making. Not only does it turn voters off from what possible good you might do, it makes you the poster children for the worst in American politics.
Now stop reading this blog and go out and vote!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
How I Vote
1. Register to Vote - You would be surprised how many people forget this, especially if they are moving. The simple fact of the matter is that if you aren't registered, you can't vote.
2. Obtain Sample Ballot - In the vast majority of cases, this comes in the mail a few weeks prior to the election. If you don't get one, you can call your municipality or local board of elections and see if they can get one to you. This is a crucial step, since everything from here on is dependent on having this piece of paper.
3. Determine Incumbents - Also know as "Determine who has one strike against them." All things being equal, I vote for new comers over incumbents. I just have an innate problem with career politicians. Public Office is not supposed to be a career, it's supposed to be service to the community. For example, the mayor of my home town is a paid, elected position. The person that holds the office, though, has a day job because the pay is worth it for their time, but not enough to make a living off of. That just keeps them honest, IMHO.
4. Research Candidates - Here's the hard part, especially as one gets more local. Take the ballot and look up all the candidates. See where they stack up on issues that are important to you. My general rule of thumb is that if someone agrees with my position on more than half of the things that are important to me, they are worth voting for. I know that no one will be with me on everything, but 51% is good enough to make me consider them. And I don't just mean those in the R or D columns, I mean research everyone. You might just be surprised on how much you might like an alternative viewpoint.
5. Research Ballot Questions - If there are any questions to be voted on, take a look at them. Don't just go by the ballot says, look into what impact that would have on you and your family. There is usually enough information out there on these questions that you can form a decent enough opinion on it ahead of time.
6. Mark Sample Ballot - Now that you have all of your information collected, weight it all for each office/question. Look at each choice you have and make a decision on what is best for you. Once you've come to a decision, mark that on the ballot. I refer to this as my cheat sheet, since I bring it into the booth with me and cast my vote based on those choices.
7. Vote at Designated Polling Place - I am always surprised by how many people just don't bother to vote, or vote for the wrong reasons. There was actually someone that posted on Facebook something along the lines of "I wasn't going to vote, because I really don't like Candidate A, but now that Public Figure B has endorsed Candidate C, I'll go out and vote for A." Not because this person felt that A most represented what they thought would be good for the office, but because they didn't like B, that meant they had to vote for A. I try to ignore endorsements as much as possible, and simply vote on the issues that matter to me, for just this reason.
See, it's just that easy. Yes there is some work involved on your part, but considering that we elect people who will be crafting laws that will affect all of the residents of this great country, is a little homework really all that bad? I hope I have helped some of you out there with this process. It works for me, so I thought it would be useful for others. Just do me one favor, vote intelligently. Don't go by party, but by what issues are important to you as an individual.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
A Marriage Opinion
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Kevin Bott for Mayor
Do I agree with him, or the Green Party, on everything? Nope. Some of the issue are pretty much the opposite of what I would want. However, I want to give him a shot. What we need more of in our government is outsiders. People that do not look at politics as a career, but as a civic duty. I believe that Kevin is one of these people and I would like to encourage everyone in Syracuse to vote for him and for as many of the readers here as possible to donate to his campaign (I have pledged $10 myself).
It's my opinion that the two party system is one of the major reasons for this country being in the mess it is currently in. Whether I agree with the candidate/party or not, I want to encourage as many alternate party candidates as possible to run for as many offices as possible. Once real people get control, rather than career politicians, I think we'll have a better chance to turn this around.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Social Media
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Required Viewing on Economics
Running a Buisiness (aka Profits are NOT necessarily evil!)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Unpopular Bullying Opinion
I'm sorry, but all the stuff I'm hearing recently on bullying in schools, etc just makes me sick. Bullies are not, by nature, reasonable people. Treating them like misunderstood, rational beings is as illogical as thier own actions. You know what stops bullying? Standing up and letting them know you won't take it any more. If they can't keep picking on you without resistance, they'll move on to easier targets. Once all easy targets are gone, they aren't able to be a bully anymore.
Personally, I think this video should be mandatory viewing for all students (and administrators).
Before you ask, no, I was not a victim of bullying. I was lucky to be both one of the biggest kids in the class and blessed with the "I don't care what other people think" attitude.